Thursday, May 26, 2011

oh nooos!

Im so freaking bloated and I dont know how to fix it or what is causing it!!! I haven't eaten anything to bad for almost a week and still not losing any weight. Never fear though, I have an idea! I know I have severe allergies to pretty much everything on earth, maybe a few things on the moon as well :p. So I'm going to do the Elimination Diet again. I've done it before and lost a TON of weight/bloat. Why did I quit you ask? because it is a very strict diet and you have to know what is in everything you eat. I think I just got lazy really. So time to get back on the wagon! Here is the AVOID list and the link to the whole diet if you are interested.

Foods You Must Strictly Avoid

Avoid milk, cheese, yogurt, egg, all grains, corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, rice, sugar, oranges, grapefruit, legumes, beans, peas, peanuts, beef, chicken, pork, apple, white potato, food colorings, chemical additives, emulsifiers, yeast, preservatives, chocolate, cola, processed and packaged foods, coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages. Avoid chemical exposures. Read all labels carefully. Do not breathe tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes, solvent fumes, chemical fumes, or perfumes. Use scent-free laundry and house cleaning products that have no chemical odor. Use only hypoallergenic, scent-free toiletries and cosmetics. Avoid tobacco in any form. Avoid areas of fabric stores, shoe stores, shopping malls, and the cleaning and cosmetic areas at the supermarket, which can expose you to high concentrations of chemical fumes and scents. Avoid newly installed carpets and newly painted or refinished housing and office space, where solvents and fumes outgas into the air. Furniture polish and many cleaning products release potentially toxic fumes.

Milk and milk-containing foods: Avoid milk and dairy products entirely, including cheese, butter, ice cream, margarine, yogurt, cream soups, breads, crackers, cookies, cakes, candies, luncheon meats, and other manufactured or processed foods. Casein and lactalbumin are other names for milk protein. Read all labels carefully.

Egg-containing foods: Avoid eggs or any foods containing egg, including custards, cakes, cookies, ice cream, pies, macaroni, salad dressings, noodles, pancake mixes, and all other manufactured or processed foods.

Grain-containing foods: Avoid wheat, corn, rye, barley, rice, and all grains and foods containing grains. This includes all commercial breads, cookies, crackers, cereals, batters, luncheon meats, pancake mixes, candies and a wide variety of other packaged and processed foods.

Citrus: Avoid orange, grapefruit, and foods containing those citrus fruits.

Sugar-containing foods: Avoid cane sugar, beet sugar, corn sugar, fructose, glucose, and brown sugar—including candies, cakes, sugar-coated cereals, ice cream, carbonated beverages, and the wide spectrum of processed and packaged foods which contain sugar. Sugar is hidden in dozens of foods including catsup, pickles, relishe, and salad dressings. Avoid artificially sweetened food or drinks that contain NutraSweet®, Equal® or aspartame. A very small amount of honey is allowed, but sweets are very addicting and it is best to go through a total withdrawal. Stevia is best tolerated as a sweetener.

Legumes: Avoid peanuts, beans and peas of all kinds, including string beans, lima beans, soy beans, baked beans, green peas, field peas, black-eyed peas, and vegetable gums. Soy bean protein ("textured protein") is hidden in a variety of manufactured foods. Read labels carefully.

Chocolate & Cola-containing foods: Avoid chocolate and cola drinks of all kinds, including diet cola. Avoid all sweets, candies and foods to which chocolate has been added.

Meats: Avoid all forms of beef, pork and chicken, including luncheon meats, hot dogs, bacon, sausage and hamburger. Avoid all cold cuts. Avoid tenderized, spiced, processed or otherwise treated meat products of any kind. Most shrimp now sold in the USA is farmed in Asia and raised on human waste, antibiotics, etc.)

Fruits & Vegetables: Avoid white potatoes (even if the outside skin is red), French fried potatoes, potato chips and any food containing potato. Avoid tomato, corn, and rice. Avoid fresh, frozen or dried apples, oranges, and foods containing apple or citrus flavoring (which is often an artificial chemical). Avoid any other fruit or vegetable that was regularly eaten more often than once each week in the past.

Yeast-containing foods: Avoid breads, wine, vinegar, mushrooms, and dried fruits. Use only vitamins that are formulated to be yeast-free and hypoallergenic, without chemical additives or preservatives.

Coffee, tea & alcohol: Avoid all coffee and tea products (including instant and caffeine free). Also avoid herbal teas and all alcoholic beverages. Drink pure water, it’s good for you. Carbonated water, unsweetened but with all natural fruit flavor is acceptable.

Condiments: Avoid black, Cayenne. and any kind of hot pepper. Avoid onion, NutraSweet®, Equal® and aspartame, which are artificial chemical sweeteners. Beware of many spices that are mixtures of both labeled and unlabeled ingredients. Stevia as a sweetener is allowed, if a pure extract.


Monday, May 23, 2011

New Week, New Start

Today is Monday, which means work the next four days. Work isn't so bad, it keeps my mind off of food. I have started to drink kombucha again. It seems to really help my digestive tract not be upset all the time. Only thing is, it doesn't taste very good. Supposedly it has all sorts of health benefits too. Today all I'm having is that, coffee and 2 cigs to make up for yesterday. This week, Im back to 500 max daily to see IF i can get over this damned plateau.

PS this is the sexiest man alive!!! Just for some inspiration for me to workout!
CHEERS lovelies!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Its is lovely out today. Not quite 85 where I like it, but it is beautiful nonetheless. Weight is 180 again today, I've had a hard time with self control today, but, Im in a better mood, so back on the wagon tomorrow.

In other news, reading a good trashy novel series, lots of hot men lol. They are not good for increasing intelligence, but they are entertaining. Here's the cover of the first one. If you like supernatural stuff you might enjoy these.
Cheers lovelies!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

more progress and the dreaded girls night

I'm down to 180 finally. Today I feel terrible though, damn girls night anyway! I told them all I wasn't hungry and they BOUGHT me food and said I had to eat it.....FUCK!. Not to mention it had gluten and eggs in it which makes me ill. I have the worse heartburn and vomiting today. At least I can get out that shit they made me eat yesterday. I could have say no, but I feel horrible about wasting food and they all would have been mad at me the rest of the night....sigh...
Here's some insipring pictures to end the rainy day blues!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Life as I know it

I'm in a slump. I'm so tired I can hardly breath. I look at myself in the mirror and all I see is an empty shell, sunken and hallowed eyes, frown lines, empty gaze. All this at the age of 25. Is this really life? I don't really feel anything anymore. Numb all over, my zest for life, if it was ever even there, has fled. Today I am content just to chores, no interactions with people, no eating, no playing...nothing...just...breathing...slowly...trying to chase my demons away...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Diet Plan for the weekend!
2 cups of coffee, an apple with 1 tsp peanut butter for energy, peppermint tea (as much as I want!), can of green beans. Cals-400
Friday -
a2 cups of coffee, one peach, fish fillet, peppermint tea. Cals-500
Rice with stir fry veggies, peppermint tea Cals-500
Sunday- less rice with veggies, a peach, tea Cals-500 

Good luck!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Today is a better day. Ive lost 3 pounds! Down to 185. I still have along way to go, but seeing as im so fat it makes me sick, any progress is good. Im 5feet 10 inches so i will never be 100, my damn bones weight more then that. I will be back to a 19 or less BMI. I was there a year ago, then i lost all control. Time saddle up and get back on track! I hope everyone is doing well! Cheers. ~M

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

day 3: ok here we go

So today, no binging and purging. I broke down yesterday and demolished my house food supply then threw it all back up. Talk about a waste of money. UGH! well on the bright side I cant afford any more food until the end of the month, sooooo fasting!!!! I have coffee and water that's about it. I did run two miles yesterday, which is a good start. Im thinking a walk at lunch will do me some good too.Off to work kiddies! good luck!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 2: working on it

I had to go to a work meeting this AM. Damn work meetings and their supply of doughnuts! I have a terrible time with sweets. Really, they don't do anything but make me fat. Just got home and I'm fighting the urge to vomit. Im very worried about my teeth. My therapist says I will destroy them if I continue to purge everything I eat. So that is all Im eating today. New bi-polar meds help some, but Im still feeling out of control. Fresh breakups will do that. Anyway, I think I'll go for a jog to get my mind off of things and work off the fat. Cheers.
Weight:188 still...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day one: life in shambles

I hate how I am, I hate who I am. But really, Who am I? I cant get a handle on anything. I need to push through the bullshit that my illnesses cause (manly lupus and bi-polar), but I'm having hard time. I just lost another boyfriend who couldn't handle my issues, not that I blame him, Im fucked up. But living in misery is hard, everyday is a chore. So what, in my small, medocore, low class American life can I do to help MYSELF??? Today, is a rough day. My fight with food is constant and in this moment I hate everything about myself. So I am starting from scratch. I want to be thin again, life is easier to handle when you do not worry about looking like a fat cow.
Currently 188. Goal weight 130. Highest weight 202. Time to get started.
Food today: Coffee with creamer: approx: 50 cals, Apple: 45 cals, rice with hot sauce: 200 cals, veggies: 100 calls. Total approx 400 cals. call it a day.
Daily routine of the 100 exercise plan (see image). More if I can handle it. The main problem with working out is the ongoing lack of energy I have. (lupus drains and destroys any life I have after about 1 hour of being awake). I included a link of Lupus information if you are interested.

TIME TO CHANGE! ~ lupus information

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The story of a Zombie

It feels like everyday is the same, over and over. The same thing, constantly. I'm pulled by the tides of monotony like a sheep in the herd, that is our society., forever the same. That is why I'm taking back some control. I want more then anything to be thin. Not because I want to look like models or celebrities, but because when I look in the mirror, I see a fat, ugly, obese girl, who is nothing but rolls of processed food turn into emulsified fat globs. Its sickening....
So, on to the change:
Current Weight: 188
1st Goal Weight: 178
2nd Goal Weight: 168
3rd Goal weight: 158
Final Goal weight 140
Lowest weight as an adult: 130
Highest weight ever:202.