Friday, August 31, 2012

Im Back

Well I was gone quite awhile. I had some major issues come up in life. I'm getting better now with some medication changes. Time to start back on the old grind stone of losing weight. I've let myself go a bit since I have been battling depression/bipolar symptoms. I binged a bit today so tomorrow is day one of my diet. I think planning out my meals in advance will be helpful. Tomorrow is going to be: one piece of toast with peanut butter, an apple, edema-me, carrots, juice and an oatmeal. That sounds like a good start.

Now down to the real issue. I cannot all.... :( I have now added to my list of issues an atrial flutter and tachycardia (fast heart rate) I cant even stand up without my heart rate jumping to 140-180. This means for now, no working out, which means in turn, eating less.

PS some motivation for tomorrow starting diet.  

Good to be back.