Saturday, May 21, 2011

more progress and the dreaded girls night

I'm down to 180 finally. Today I feel terrible though, damn girls night anyway! I told them all I wasn't hungry and they BOUGHT me food and said I had to eat it.....FUCK!. Not to mention it had gluten and eggs in it which makes me ill. I have the worse heartburn and vomiting today. At least I can get out that shit they made me eat yesterday. I could have say no, but I feel horrible about wasting food and they all would have been mad at me the rest of the night....sigh...
Here's some insipring pictures to end the rainy day blues!!


  1. hey lady, thank you for your comment on my blog. I'm so sorry for the experience you described. As much as I would love to say these boys can burn in hell, I think it is more productive to look at them as our teachers. They make us more introspective and stronger. Don't worry about girls night. I'm sorry you got sick though:/ I can't wait to check out more of your blog later today<3 I'm glad we are in contact now:) xoxo

  2. Thanks lady! I like to try to think that to about males, however....I've had one crappy boyfriend after another since I was 17. I can't even count how many I've dated, then hated. I'm getting sick of it really. It makes me wonder if there are any good men left out there! lol
